A N I M U S . E X _ M A C H I N A is a morphological installation; one which sits at the intersection of architecture, computation, technology, and phenomenology- An architecture which is responsive to the collective conscious, unconscious, and subconscious mind. Through the use of EEG (Electroencephalogram) Brain Wave Headsets, the installation senses its occupant’s collective brain activity and responds as such, changing and adapting the spatial conditions within- architecture which sees only the consciousness of its occupants, transcending social barriers of race, nationality, religion, etc. and creates a continuous spatial dialogue; a living architecture, which breaths and thinks alongside us.
Level: MS.Arch in Computational Ecologies,Thesis
Project Prompt: Digital Experience installation
Classification: Architecture, Experience Design, Fabrication, Computational Design, Graphics
Methods: Rhino, Grasshopper, Processing 2.0, Arduino, EagleCAD, Illustrator, Photoshop, RhinoCAM, Digital Fabrication, Wood Working, Metal Working, Sketching, Physical Modeling
This project was created under the guidance of Professor Alexander Webb at the University of New Mexico.
•All physical and conceptual installation components designed, fabricated and installed by Nick Di Donato
•Scripted components (Processing and Arduino Environments) designed and scripted by Nick Di Donato with support from Brandon Wade
•Circuit Boards and Arduino electrical components design by David Di Donato, built by Osh Park Manufacturers.
•For all the love, help, and support, a very special thanks to:
Allen & Laura Di Donato
David Di Donato
Brandon Wade
Nicolas Garcia
Chris Reyling
Manny & Monique Rubio
Stuart Sproul
•Scripted components (Processing and Arduino Environments) designed and scripted by Nick Di Donato with support from Brandon Wade
•Circuit Boards and Arduino electrical components design by David Di Donato, built by Osh Park Manufacturers.
•For all the love, help, and support, a very special thanks to:
Allen & Laura Di Donato
David Di Donato
Brandon Wade
Nicolas Garcia
Chris Reyling
Manny & Monique Rubio
Stuart Sproul
0:00 - 1:08: Introduction
1:08 - 5:18: Exterior Time-lapse (To see the installation's movement clearly you can speed up the video to x2 speed in the options; FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING: please note that speeding the video up will result in faster flashing colors and lights)
5:18 - 8:35: Interior Angles